PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
06463Is this that beautiful spot you recommended around here, Cynthia-san?Ogodei-Khan2015-10-20 03:06:23Revert
06464yup, we'll be there soon.Ogodei-Khan2015-10-20 03:06:47Revert
06465This would be a good place to confess to your boyfriend and then have sex with him, huh Rosa?Ogodei-Khan2015-10-20 03:11:30Revert
06466G-geez Hilda-chan! I don't even have a boyfriend yet...Ogodei-Khan2015-10-20 03:12:32Revert
They look so beautiful and carefree.
Ogodei-Khan2015-10-20 03:14:32Revert
Very pretty...
Ogodei-Khan2015-10-20 03:14:56Revert