PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
09284A large construction appeared
Invasion by (Alien)?
Hypnine2017-03-20 14:38:07Revert
09285Live from ShinjukuHypnine2017-03-20 14:38:46Revert
09286Look at this, a large construction appeared in the city, out of nowhere.Hypnine2017-03-20 14:40:56Revert
09287There is a rumor going around that this might be the invasion by aliens.Hypnine2017-03-20 14:42:23Revert
09288OhHypnine2017-03-20 14:44:12Revert
09289Hypnine2017-03-20 14:44:19Revert
09290Say,Hypnine2017-03-20 14:44:32Revert
09291let's hear from that mother and daughter over there.Hypnine2017-03-20 14:47:43Revert
09292A large construction appeared in...
Invasion by ...?
Hypnine2017-03-20 14:48:18Revert
09293A large construction appeared in front of the Metropolitan Government Office
Invasion by Alien?
Hypnine2017-03-20 14:49:22Revert
09294*butt in!*Hypnine2017-03-20 14:53:12Revert
09295What? Hey!
What are you doing! Stop...!
Hypnine2017-03-20 14:54:56Revert
09296I'm A-Ko, the Haigure Alien!Hypnine2017-03-20 14:55:21Revert
09297I'm gonna make all of you watching this into Haigure Humans as well! Stay tuuuuned!Hypnine2017-03-20 14:59:20Revert
09298I'm gonna make all of you watching this into Haigure Humans as well! Stay tuuuu...Hypnine2017-03-20 14:59:34Revert
09299...uuuned...Hypnine2017-03-20 14:59:55Revert
09300OUCH!Hypnine2017-03-20 15:00:35Revert
09301*slam!*Hypnine2017-03-20 15:01:08Revert
09302Haigure! Haigure! Haigure!Hypnine2017-03-20 15:01:26Revert
09303Hello~, how's the weather today~?Hypnine2017-03-20 15:02:05Revert
09304Eek...Hypnine2017-03-20 15:02:27Revert
09305Haigure! Haigure! Haigure!Hypnine2017-03-20 15:02:35Revert
09306Haigure♥ Haigure♥ Haigure♥Hypnine2017-03-20 15:02:55Revert
09307*nudge*Hypnine2017-03-20 15:03:27Revert
09308*nudge*Hypnine2017-03-20 15:03:39Revert
09309Ohh, heavy rain and flood warning, it is.Hypnine2017-03-20 15:04:30Revert
09310Now move your armsHypnine2017-03-20 15:04:42Revert
09311Now move your arms tooHypnine2017-03-20 15:04:47Revert
09312G-got it...Hypnine2017-03-20 15:05:15Revert
09313*haigure move*Hypnine2017-03-20 15:05:25Revert
09314Hey A-Ko. Stop fooling around already.Hypnine2017-03-20 15:06:48Revert
09315Hey! B-Ko chan!Hypnine2017-03-20 15:07:03Revert
09316*clank*Hypnine2017-03-20 15:11:56Revert
09317Your personality is sooo twisted as ever huh.Hypnine2017-03-20 15:15:05Revert
09318Hypnine2017-03-20 15:15:13Revert
09319Your personality is so twisted as ever.Hypnine2017-03-20 15:15:33Revert
09320You got deathwish?Hypnine2017-03-20 15:17:51Revert
09321*onomatopoeia for sound of falling, which represents how straight her body line like a cliff*Hypnine2017-03-20 15:20:19Revert
09322Oh no!
It's as straight as your body line, B-Ko chan!
Hypnine2017-03-20 15:22:22Revert
09323*onomatopoeia for sound of falling, which represents how straight her body line like a cliff*Hypnine2017-03-20 15:22:42Revert
011241You got a deathwish?NinjaKirby2017-09-13 03:26:13Revert
035424OUCH!Jimmy2021-01-17 19:13:10Revert