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Though it's just a weakling hypnotist man…
LillyTank2018-06-06 00:29:16Revert
014781Battle hypnosisLillyTank2018-06-06 00:29:48Revert
014782Why is there this much power…LillyTank2018-06-06 00:30:08Revert
014783How impudent!!LillyTank2018-06-06 00:30:28Revert
014784With a five-yen coin that took down Alice…
You think you can defeat me…!?
LillyTank2018-06-06 00:30:44Revert
014785Take care ofLillyTank2018-06-06 00:32:42Revert
014786Heh heh…Take a good look Reimu-chan…LillyTank2018-06-06 00:33:10Revert
014787This ain't the usual five-yen coin…LillyTank2018-06-06 00:33:35Revert
LillyTank2018-06-06 00:33:57Revert