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023071Maria Shiratori.
You are now a "hypnosis sex pet"
You are the pet of your disgusting sex craving teacher
Weebnotist2019-09-16 20:51:23Revert
023072I command that from now on you enjoy to call me master.
To such an extent that you are completely delighted
Can you remember all that?
Weebnotist2019-09-16 20:59:50Revert
023073Yes...... Master, I am.... a pet.... a hypnosis sex petWeebnotist2019-09-16 21:00:14Revert
023074Maria Shiratori.
You are now a "hypnosis sex pet"
You are a lewd pet that loves sex
Weebnotist2019-09-16 21:00:52Revert
023075I am a lewd pet... that loves sex
Masterrrrr..... please give me any command
Weebnotist2019-09-16 21:01:32Revert