PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
041104EheheL12@2021-07-26 18:58:35Revert
041105The dolls are graded from S to C.L12@2021-07-26 19:48:28Revert
041106The one I bought is a B grade.L12@2021-07-26 19:58:39Revert
041107SmackL12@2021-07-26 20:06:49Revert
041108SmackL12@2021-07-26 20:07:03Revert
041109B grade ones can work a sweat and even react a little.L12@2021-07-26 20:07:46Revert
041110Hump!L12@2021-07-26 20:22:09Revert
041111Uh...oh...L12@2021-07-26 20:22:29Revert
041112When it comes to the S-A, I hear they're very responsive, and can even follow simple instructions.L12@2021-07-26 20:23:42Revert
041113B is just right for me in terms of price.L12@2021-07-26 20:24:12Revert