PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
041167I was actually a zombie until a few years ago...L12@2021-07-27 05:57:13Revert
041168And... I got pregnant, so that way I became a person again.L12@2021-07-27 05:57:47Revert
041169But even though I'm back, I have no relatives anymore, no one to turn to...L12@2021-07-27 05:58:29Revert
041170I've been living alone for a while, but last month...L12@2021-07-27 05:58:54Revert
041171Big sis?!?L12@2021-07-27 06:32:44Revert
041172While on the streets, I found my sister on sale!L12@2021-07-27 06:33:07Revert
04117310% offL12@2021-07-27 06:33:21Revert
041174So I quickly bought her and started looking up ways to bring her back.L12@2021-07-27 06:33:56Revert
041175But it seems the only way is through pregnancy...L12@2021-07-27 06:41:41Revert
041176But that... I...L12@2021-07-27 06:55:29Revert
041177You're a woman, so you can't get her pregnant. Is that it?L12@2021-07-27 06:56:04Revert
041178...Yes. It seems artificial insemination doesn't work for zombies either.L12@2021-07-27 06:56:45Revert
041179Everyone I know is intolerant when it comes to zombies...L12@2021-07-27 06:57:22Revert
041180I have no one I can talk to about this.L12@2021-07-27 06:57:41Revert
041181And now I find out my neighbor bought a doll...L12@2021-07-27 06:58:16Revert
041182So, I need to ask you...L12@2021-07-27 06:58:28Revert
041183What is it?L12@2021-07-27 06:58:36Revert