blush brown_hair comic consensual femsub humor keeper_of_pots maledom original ponytail text trina_(team-tan) will_(team-tan)

3 comments (0 hidden)

>> #541899
Posted on 2024-04-24 20:43:47
Score: 8 (vote Up)
"You're thinking of the Jungle Book."
Can't stop laughing.

>> #541929
Posted on 2024-04-25 01:55:28
Score: 3 (vote Up)
Thanks for posting Keeper...damn this is too fucking cute @.@

>> #541974
Posted on 2024-04-25 18:56:29
Score: 3 (vote Up)
In religious studies I actually had to study that bit in the Bible and the snake was just really good at arguing a point. He would have made a great lawyer. Twisting words and taking things out of context.