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3A drawing challenge held every November where artists draw one hypnosis related drawing a day according to prompts of their choosing. Note: this tag doesn't apply just because a piece was drawn or posted in November.
Updated by Hypnorgasm Mon, Nov 06 '23, 08:04
Version 3
2A drawing challenge held every November where artists draw one hypnosis related drawing a day according to prompts of their choosing.
Updated by JustChilling Mon, Nov 06 '23, 04:09
Version 2
1english is not my mother tongue I'm just doing this so there is something to modify and fix the hypnoveber is a drawing event in which different artists grab drawings with the same hypnotic theme el inglés no es mi idioma materno solo estoy haciendo esto para que allá algo que modificar y arreglar el hypnoveber es un evento de dibujo en que diferentes artistas asen dibujos con la misma temática hipnótica
Updated by nah841 Fri, Dec 24 '21, 13:20
Version 1