Wiki History Listing

2Two or more characters from unrelated copyrights are shown together in the same scene. This tag can also be used when a character is wearing clothing or interacting with items from another copyright. (Ex. [[shadaloo_dolls]]) If a character is merely dressed as a character from another copyright, it is [[cosplay]] instead. Not to be confused with [[parody]], where one or multiple characters are mimicking a scene or dialogue from the same or different copyrights.
Updated by JustChilling Tue, Jan 03 '23, 05:59
Version 2
1Two or more characters from unrelated copyrights are shown together in the same scene. If a character is merely dressed as a character from another copyright, it is [[cosplay]] instead. Not to be confused with [[parody]], where one or multiple characters are mimicking a scene or dialogue from the same or different copyrights.
Updated by OperationTransport Tue, Feb 08 '22, 05:50
Version 1