Wiki History Listing

1A character has a fake tail (as in, not appearing to be part of their body). In general, [[tail]] should be applied instead (i.e. the tail should be assumed real) unless: * The tail is very probably fake by virtue of its appearance, * [[fake animal ears]] are present, suggesting that the tail is also fake. But please note that [[tail]] is not to be used on [[furry]] or [[animals_only|animal]] characters. Naturally this tag also does not typically apply to such characters; but if their tail is fake, that [i]would[/i] be noteworthy enough to warrant the tag. h4. See also: * [[tail]] * [[fake animal ears]] * [[animal ears]] * [[furry]] * [[butt plug]]
Updated by greasyi Sat, Dec 06 '14, 19:26
Version 1