Wiki History Listing

2A character is turned evil (usually accompanied by a costume change), or is otherwise made to think and act more in line with the desires of the evil being* that corrupted them. *The being controlling the corrupted character must be considered evil, whether it be a demon, a normal enemy of the character, a "bad guy" in the plot of the character's story, or something else like that. [h4] See also:[/h4] * [[purification]] * [[memetic_control]] * [[evil_smile]] * [[bondage]] * [[resisting]]
Updated by Hypnorgasm Sat, Aug 20 '22, 12:06
Version 2
1A character is turned evil (usually accompanied by a costume change), or is otherwise made to think and act more in line with the desires of the evil being* that corrupted them. *The being controlling the corrupted character must be considered evil, whether it be a demon, a normal enemy of the character, a "bad guy" in the plot of the character's story, or something else like that. h4. See also: * [[purification]] * [[memetic control]] * [[evil smile]] * [[bondage]] * [[resisting]]
Updated by Rogurao Fri, Aug 02 '13, 06:07
Version 1