Wiki History Listing

4An evergreen [[plant]] with rounded leaves and white berries. [[Holly]], an evergreen plant with spiky leaves and red berries, is commonly mistaken for it. [h4]See also:[/h4] •[[christmas]]
Updated by JustChilling Wed, Dec 14 '22, 17:02
Version 4
3An evergreen [[plant]] with rounded leaves and white berries. [[Holly]], an evergreen plant with spiky leaves and red berries, is commonly mistaken for it. [h4]See also:[/h4] * [[christmas]]
Updated by JustChilling Wed, Dec 14 '22, 17:02
Version 3
2An evergreen [[plant]] with rounded leaves and white berries. [[Holly]], an evergreen plant with spiky leaves and red berries, is commonly mistaken for it. [h4]See also:[h4] * [[christmas]]
Updated by JustChilling Wed, Dec 14 '22, 17:02
Version 2
1An evergreen plant with rounded leaves and white berries. h4. See also: * [[christmas|Christmas]] * [[holly]]
Updated by bugmenot Tue, Dec 22 '20, 05:33
Version 1