07/21/18 04:22AM
Looking for artist to do a commission
Hey, been a long time lurker, first post ever, so as the title says I'm looking for an artist to do a commission hypnosis related, I've managed to get 5 images done in the past but I want to broaden my horizon with artists.

I haven't had much luck and I decided rather than just message artists individually since if an artist says no to that idea I have to go back to searching and retype the message again, making a forum post is easier for me.

So I have 2 ideas that are in mind and the first is one that has a love/hate type of relationship which is Haigure, this is one of my earliest gateways into hypnosis and MC so the idea for that is pretty simple, a couple of my OC's having stumbled upon a strange website all about Haigure begin to fall to the call of Haigure their outfits becoming leotards and their minds and bodies soon follow.

The second idea comes from my interest in big forced grins think like Joker Venom but without the sinister sides too it, so it would be something like an OC or two of mine staring at a TV screen all empty minded with a big ol grin on their faces.

As it currently stands I've commissioned a lot this month so I'm prepping for next month or as close to next month as possible, since I have 50+ OC's it'll also give me some time to choose which character/s I want to use, yeah I just love making OC's, and allow me to discuss and flesh out any details for the image.

Anyway thanks for reading and I hope I've done this right
07/21/18 04:28AM
there is a commissions list full of artists that will take on your commission if they are free.

<<hypnohub.net/forum/show/62583|commissions list>>
07/21/18 07:11AM
I'm available. You can see my info <<hypnohub.net/forum/show/62513|here>>.

If you're interested, feel free to DM me and we can see which works best with my style + what you want.

Either way, I wish you luck in finding the artist(s) that meet your needs!

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