07/04/15 06:22PM
Idea for Next Theme: Positive Hypnosis
Hey there, first time posting on the forums here so bear with me. I'm sure the incident with the Yuu-Chan picture and how the community rallied together in concern for them is well known by now and it made me very proud to consider myself part of this community. And when I saw DHB's most recent post it really touched me, then it occurred to me that hypnosis can be more than just an enslavement fantasy, it can be an empowerment for the hypnotised party as well (Apologies if this sounds obvious but it seemed so revelatory to me). So I don't know if we're meant to request themes in random threads etc. but here's mine anyway.

Could we do a month where the theme is empowering or helping the hypnotised person like in DHB's post? Maybe the hypnosis makes them more confident or helps them with a problem? What do you think?
07/04/15 06:36PM
Like the idea! Might be bit close to Jubilant July. However we already have a thread for suggesting theme ideas <<hypnohub.net/forum/show/13457|here>>
07/04/15 06:48PM
I love this idea. I'm glad everyone's talking about what happened with Yuu-chan. I really hope we perverts can band together to make her smile! Of course, we should tell everyone else so this can be a thing. Maybe something like "Encouragement November"? But I'd like to see this kind of art now. Still, thanks for bringing this new idea of hypnosis to life.
07/04/15 07:18PM
While a noble idea, as Edge pointed out we already have a themes discussion thread, so please use that.

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