08/20/15 05:54AM
Story Sample
"Whaddya mean 'she's gone?'"
"Exactly what I said. Your precious little sister is gone, and only I can bring her back... for a price."
I knew what he meant. He wanted me. He wanted my immunity. Without it, he could control me just like all the others.
"How do I know you'll give her back?" I questioned.
"You don't trust me," he said, sounding almost disappointed if not for his monotone voice. "Why don't you trust me?"
Was this guy serious? "Hmm... Let's see. Your species is enslaving my planet, you've already raped my best friend, stole his body, and now you're holding my little sister hostage. Gee! I wonder why I don't fucking trust you!"
"You are angry... I can make all your pain go away. That's what you want, isn't it? To never feel pain? To be forever happy?"
"I want my sister back!" As I yelled, I found myself looking at the thing's...my friend's...body, on the floor. I had punched him.
It turned its head to look at me and said, "This is why we do what we do..."
08/20/15 05:56AM
This is just a sample of my upcoming story. Tell me what you think!~
08/20/15 06:38AM
I'm scared.


To clarify, it's the kidnapping and creepy alien business. I like cute, romantic stuff, and that's pretty far to the other end of the spectrum. XD

I'm looking forward to seeing the rest, though.

08/20/15 06:44AM
Dreamshade said:
I'm scared.


To clarify, it's the kidnapping and creepy alien business. I like cute, romantic stuff, and that's pretty far to the other end of the spectrum. XD

I'm looking forward to seeing the rest, though.

It's supposed to be a good vs evil sort of thing. And there WILL be romance with a female character~ And she kicks ass.
08/20/15 06:52AM
I directly you here
08/20/15 07:07AM
Mistress_Marea said:
I directly you here

o.o I didn't know that...
08/20/15 07:17AM
HypnoBitch said:
o.o I didn't know that...


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