09/03/15 12:18AM
Definition of a 'Teacher'
So, For this month's theme, what are we defining a 'Teacher' as? Specifically a School Teacher? Could a Martial Arts Sensei work? Or a Fitness Instructor?

I suppose My actual question is, is anyone who teaches considered a teacher? Or, are we just going to define them as the Classroom teachers?
09/03/15 12:23AM
Why is this a separate thread? You could just have asked this in the <<|Official Themes thread.>>

As for definitions, Vann usually leaves them vague and open to interpretation. Student/Teacher relationships can have D/s connotations regardless of the setting.
09/03/15 03:06AM
PomPom said:
Why is this a separate thread? You could just have asked this in the <<|Official Themes thread.>>

As for definitions, Vann usually leaves them vague and open to interpretation. Student/Teacher relationships can have D/s connotations regardless of the setting.

Apologies. I felt like It would have been overlooked, as everyone was already starting suggestions for next month.

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