10/14/16 07:52AM
What is QCC for MC on HypnoHub?
Welp. One more drawing post down the drain for "bad quality" or "poor anatomy" .

And guess who ordered it... QCC.

Who are they? I have no clue. Apparently, they're "professionals" it seems.

But what they aren't is merciful.

That much I think I can say without getting myself in trouble or worse, banned.

Frankly I want to see this "poor anatomy" excuse to delete things, just stop.

Who are they? Why are they so merciless to artwork they deem as "poor" ? Will they ever be kind? Have they even?

Sorry for ranting, I've just had it with trying to post things after I've worked on them and finding them deleted for what I think are just poor excuses. No appreciation for the little things, I suppose.

I just want to make people happy in any way that I can, keyword, CAN! My drawing pad sucks (it freezes at the beginning of every line) , so I can't use it. All I can do is make manips. No digital drawing, no hand drawing because everybody hates it... People complain when I make manips of previously MC drawn artwork but supposedly when I make a manip of un-MC drawn artwork everybody loves it despite copyright. Well, I guess I do put the original artists' names as tags and put in the found source so there's not as much copyright there.

Regardless, there needs to be alittle appreciation for the little things that I make for once and not just the "big" things, like my manips. Otherwise my happiness, and more importantly, my sanity and well-being (not that any of you care about my well-being or health) falls apart and crumbles into nothing.
10/14/16 08:02AM
While it can be discouraging to have your artwork taken down, I think it would be best to keep trying to improve your drawing skills instead of getting angry. It's not that people hate your artwork, people are just giving you their critique and advice on how to get better, and to be honest, that can be very valuable to a beginner artist. Just keep trying, keep practicing, and you'll improve enough where your art won't be taken down for those reasons. :)
10/14/16 08:14AM
Waverun, I'm going to be blunt and use bad language, you are warned.

Fucking stop. Your art is subpar, at best, and you can't draw proper anatomy to save your life. You also constantly refuse to accept the advice of others who legitimately try to help you. The QCC is Quality Control. They do not care who made what, or for what reason they made it. This website has certain standards that must be met by all submissions. You art simply keeps failing to meet those standards. Hey, don't fret, my art won't meet them either. However I don't bash my head against the brick wall of the QCC.

Now, shut the hell up. You act as though you are owed appreciation and respect. No one is fucking owed appreciation and respect. You have to earn it. And the simple matter at hand is you haven't. If anything you've earned scorn, since you turned down the advice of several of the best artists on this site when they tried to tell you what you were doing wrong.
10/14/16 08:48AM
waverun said:
Who are they? I have no clue. Apparently, they're "professionals" it seems.

Frankly I want to see this "poor anatomy" excuse to delete things, just stop.

The QCC, who they are, and their duties are listed under the site's rules shown <<hypnohub.net/wiki/show?title=help%3Arules_and_policies|here>>. If you didn't know who they were that would imply you haven't read the rules before, so I implore you to do so now =P

waverun said:
Sorry for ranting, I've just had it with trying to post things after I've worked on them and finding them deleted for what I think are just poor excuses.

There's a thread made specifically for users to vent <<hypnohub.net/forum/show/19822|here>>. However with this topic I feel this would go against two separate forums rules, namely

Threads with a particularly high chance of causing drama due to their extremely sensitive topics are not to be posted.


Threads directed at a single user are not to be posted.

as the QCC are actual members of the community. If you have problems with the council itself it would probably be best to privately message Vann (or Henry) about it. The vent thread may be adequate if you want to just talk about others not appreciating your work (in general, and not attacking the QCC)

I'm going to lock this now since the flames are already starting.

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