05/07/17 09:45AM
Hello first off wow I didn't know I had 11 pics with my tag on them that's neat and now to the main matter

This is my da acount and something I drew I know I'm not good by any standards but was curious if this is worth posting on the hub ( don't want to get banned so until I know for sure not risking it ) anyway if this does get posted please use my hub name as it already has a tag thank you very much and I appreciate the help with figuring out if this is ok
05/07/17 09:50AM
You wouldn't get banned, but it would definitely get deleted.
05/07/17 09:51AM
I'm too tired to give any feedback/critique, but I'd hold off for now from posting.
We have an <<|art feedback thread>>, which I highly recommend using before posting to here. Also just helps every now and then.

foffyoul5 said:
This is my da acount and something I drew I know I'm not good by any standards but was curious if this is worth posting on the hub ( don't want to get banned so until I know for sure not risking it )

This is soooo untrue, I'm kinda baffled you'd think we ban people on this site for "poor quality postings"... wut?
Unless you're posting something illegal like CP or revenge porn, this site is so lax when comes to banning =____=
05/07/17 10:13AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
I'm too tired to give any feedback/critique, but I'd hold off for now from posting.
We have an <<|art feedback thread>>, which I highly recommend using before posting to here. Also just helps every now and then.

This is soooo untrue, I'm kinda baffled you'd think we ban people on this site for "poor quality postings"... wut?
Unless you're posting something illegal like CP or revenge porn, this site is so lax when comes to banning =____=

Oh it's not that it's that a few of my post were deleted before so I wasn't sure if I'd get banned if another one got deleted.
I was just not taking any unessisary risk
( I got banned from a Pokemon league for using mega kang when they were using legends on Pokemon so ever since then I've been extra cautious)
05/07/17 10:23AM
foffyoul5 said:
Oh it's not that it's that a few of my post were deleted before so I wasn't sure if I'd get banned if another one got deleted.
I was just not taking any unessisary risk
( I got banned from a Pokemon league for using mega kang when they were using legends on Pokemon so ever since then I've been extra cautious)

You won't get banned unless you act like a total asshole. Just be reasonably polite and you'll be fine.

Just don't start tossing around insults or reveal that you are actually 14 and you won't get in trouble.

I mean if pepole got banned for posting bad art...April First would have been a lot less fun.
05/15/17 01:08AM
I am a little late, but I am going to have to request the OP of this thread change their thread title on account of the following <<|forum rule, if they still wish to continue the discussion>>:

Threads must have titles that some way express the topic of the thread. No vague clickbait titles.

(Otherwise just let this thread die).

[Not to single out this thread in particular, but just adding that I will be starting to hand out warnings and potentially bans to users who continue to disregard the forum rules of conduct in the future (especially if they've been apart of the community for a while and should know better).]

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