07/25/17 09:17AM
Hypnosis Sub Games
Hello there! I've currently been on the lookout for any games (CYOAs included) where it's the player's goal to avoid getting ensnared in hypnosis - or have fun being ensnared and obey (since losing is fun).

Rough Landing 1 and 2 are two games I've played and really enjoyed, but unfortunately, they're the only ones I know.

What else is there?
07/25/17 09:22AM
Leinad said:
Hello there! I've currently been on the lookout for any games (CYOAs included) where it's the player's goal to avoid getting ensnared in hypnosis - or have fun being ensnared and obey (since losing is fun).

Rough Landing 1 and 2 are two games I've played and really enjoyed, but unfortunately, they're the only ones I know.

What else is there?

Hello. This might interest you, my game all about a maze full of monster girls trying to make the player into a monster girl slave.

It's played by the whole community and has a very large backlog

07/25/17 09:37AM
Imasuky said:
Hello. This might interest you, my game all about a maze full of monster girls trying to make the player into a monster girl slave.

It's played by the whole community and has a very large backlog


Thanks for the tip, though by this point, this game might just as well be a story with only very little 'playability' per se...
07/25/17 09:51AM
Leinad said:
Thanks for the tip, though by this point, this game might just as well just be a story with only very little 'playability' per se...

True but it's more like a chose your own adventure book with out the abailty to turn back to an older page but still a good read if I say so myself.
07/25/17 09:54AM
Are sub-oriented hypnosis stories really so rare?
07/25/17 10:00AM
Leinad said:
Are sub-oriented hypnosis stories really so rare?

At least talking about games... sadly yes.
07/25/17 01:00PM
Actually, Sleepymaid has a choose your own adventure game behind her Patreon called couples therapy.


It's where this gif comes from: hypnohub.net/post/show/29...lf_ears-femdom-glasses-la

So there is a good amount of player sub in the game.

Very short, but very good.
07/25/17 08:27PM
Hypnopics Collective requires registration, but they have <<www.hypnopics-collective.net/smf_forum/index.php?board=11.0|a forum with hundreds of threads about MC games>>. Thing is, they're naturally of highly varying quality, almost all of them are player dom, and their prevailing style of porn star image manipulations does nothing to me, so I haven't ever bothered digging deep in there. Not to mention that a lot of them use a weird obscure game engine that makes everything look like a business app running on Windows 98, assuming it runs the game at all.

I recall enjoying the sub path in <<www.hypnopics-collective....m/index.php?topic=17168.0|Kidnapped>> though, and there probably *is* a lot of other good stuff in there that I just don't know of.

I don't know yet how much stuff there is in <<pervyfantasyproductions.b...the-last-demonhunter.html|The Last Demonhunter>>, though based on the fact that there's apparently at least four companions and I haven't seen any yet, probably a decent amount. It's an RPG Maker game, and most of the good stuff seems to happen in combat which is paced according to the usual style of RPG Maker combat, which you might or might not like.

There's a good amount of sub content of various degrees of MC in Corruption of Champions, it's just rarely pure MC but usually has some component of transformation, corruption, addiction, or some other wackiness. IMO Corruption of Champions is held back as a game by its size - there's so many options and so much text that even if you find content that would otherwise really push your buttons, you'll have gone through so many pages and pages and pages that it all feels like just another Fenoxo Text Dump. Still, if you can deal with the dom being a horse, it's worth it to at least talk with Kelt at the farm (and keep going back to him), it's the most straightforwardly MC sequence in the game that I know of.

Trials in Tainted Space is supposed to be similar as CoC, but there's so many space waifus in the way that it's a struggle to find the interesting content. But similarly to Kelt, Lane at Tarkus is worth a try.
07/25/17 09:18PM
Mind control in narrative is pretty easy to do, but getting it to work well from a gameplay perspective is much more difficult.

The real reason why there is so few sub focused games is the very nature of gaming as a medium. Gaming is all about having control of the media, where as books/video you have no control, you're just the reader/viewer. It's almost always frustrating to lose control as a player in games, like being under CC (crowd control effects).

That being said, when it's done well, it can have a great impact. One of the few instances that I feel actually worked well was in Final Fantasy 7 when just before Aeris dies, you are forced to approach her with your sword. The reason it works so well is that instead of just making it a cut scene, they give you the illusion of still having some control. No matter what buttons you press, the only ones that progress you farther are the ones you don't want to use. You become an active participant in being the sub. While this works great for a moment in a game, I'm not sure if you could make a satisfying game around it as the core mechanic.
07/25/17 10:32PM
Muddle said:You become an active participant in being the sub. While this works great for a moment in a game, I'm not sure if you could make a satisfying game around it as the core mechanic.

This post makes a sharp point that I feel I should hone further by pushing against it a little bit: Yes, trying to make a big game with lots of MC sub content is probably a pointless exercise, but I think there's a lot more room to do interesting things with small, experimental games (probably just interactive fiction), and a lot more fetish potential in doing those things, than you'd think based on "well games are about the player being control of things and this would be the opposite".

Just to list out a few of the basic things you could do, or that I have seen done, with the UI in a text-and-menu or text-and-links format (Twine games, Fenoxo's Flash text games, etc.):

- Your set of options is limited to just "obey"
- You have an otherwise normal-sized set of options, but they are are all different variants of obeying
- You can click on options, but what your character actually does is something different (you can pull the "every option does the same thing" trick here on occasion)
- You can click on options, but the ones that would defy control just quickly loop you back to the same menu
- You normally play the game from the sub's perspective, and when controlled you still read the sub's scenes, but your option menu is in the dom's perspective
- Scene text is edited after you read it, to represent the dom editing your memories or perception
- Your choices and scenes make it seem like you're not under control, but things are recontextualized afterward (e.g. like "would you kindly?", though where it was a plot point and big reveal in Bioshock, to make it work for a fetish game you'd have to pace it a lot faster)

Etc. etc.. And of course, other ways to interact with a game would get other twists on their method of interaction. Again, agreed that it's probably not enough to run much of a game on! But I just think there's plenty of room for smaller, highly focused experiences to do a lot with the theme.

At a more abstract level, and as a bit of an aside, games are a lot more *intentional* than you tend to think when playing them. The way I like to think of it is: However closely you think you're paying attention, chances are that it took hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of times longer for the authors to create the experience than for you to go through it. You might feel like you have control, but even in the most freeform games, pretty much every action you can take has, at least in some general form, been carefully considered, designed, implemented in every detail, balanced, and tested - and has seen several other possible actions go through part of that journey before being taken out of the game. Your control over a game is precisely what its authors give you, and they *know* what they let you control and what not.
06/03/18 11:56AM
maybenot said:
Actually, Sleepymaid has a choose your own adventure game behind her Patreon called couples therapy.


It's where this gif comes from: hypnohub.net/post/show/29...lf_ears-femdom-glasses-la

So there is a good amount of player sub in the game.

Very short, but very good.

I can't find this game anymore, is it still on their patreon somewhere?
06/04/18 07:20AM
Pieman754 said:
I can't find this game anymore, is it still on their patreon somewhere?

It's available on Sleepymaid's website:

06/04/18 04:52PM
Speaking of Hypnopics I can second the recomendation for Kidnapped and add in Little Slave Lost. Others from memory with player sub content are:
Demon Town
Through hard-earned trust
The Girly Gauntlet

Also freewill.swf is a very short linear "game" which is worth a play through
06/07/18 11:08AM

This site has a few good hypno games you can download with loads of submissive endings. They've got three major RPG Maker games that all have LOTS of submissive "Game Overs". Though I'd also warn that they aren't vanilla MC. TLDH in particular has a lot of futa content in case you're not into that.

The Last Demonhunter
Tales of Ameria (With some custom artwork by oo_sebastian_oo if you've seen his stuff)
The Order of Light (Only one that's completely finished)

They've also got a few choose your own adventure games, the major one being Dark Recruitment which is based around an old Tabico story I can't quite recall the name of. Fair warning, the two writing these aren't native English speakers, but are still very good at English. There are VERY occasional grammar or spelling/syntax errors. In all honesty the amount of mistakes is actually quite low, more on par with someone that only proofread a couple times rather than with a non-English speaker

They're all quite fun. Though perhaps I'm a bit biased as I'm good friends with the person that makes TLDH and have written a few short scenes for them in the past. But even before that I found the games fun. Worth a check to see if anything piques your interest at the very least.
07/24/18 01:12AM
maybenot said:
Actually, Sleepymaid has a choose your own adventure game behind her Patreon called couples therapy.


It's where this gif comes from: hypnohub.net/post/show/29...lf_ears-femdom-glasses-la

So there is a good amount of player sub in the game.

Very short, but very good.

Does anyone have a guide for that game?
I've only been able to see an ending.
1 2>>>

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