08/02/17 09:39PM
Request for drawing assistance/advice.
Hello everyone. Waverun here.
Just to be clear I intend to cause no drama with this post. Only to inform you all of what's truly going on.

Lately I've had no idea what to manip recently, even though I posted at least 3 manips total yesterday and today.

To tell the truth, I've run out of images that I would like to manip.
There's only so few images that suit my personal taste.

Which is why I would like to say right now that I REALLY want to start drawing with my drawing tablet.

But I have so many problems with my hand movements, and with the sensitivity of the tablet, that I just can't draw with it as of this moment.
So, I'm requesting some advice or assistance to be given to me so that I can get better at drawing digitally.

The reason why I'm requesting it is because I give up on so many things, especially drawing,
This being because I know that most people will either hate it and/or flag it for moderation the second they look at it.

And that same reason is why I have developed the mindset that I MUST become as good as someone like WalkingMelonsAAA, Dimwitdog, or even Sleepymaid within 1 attempt.

I promise to finally take all of your assistance and advice to heart, and to try to remind myself each day of what you all tell me. Even if it means being personal with you all in PM's.

And finally, I hope to become a better artist with your help. However I must do so.
Even if it means breaking my habits and mindsets.

Thank you.
08/02/17 10:00PM
waverun said:
I promise to finally take all of your assistance and advice to heart, and to try to remind myself each day of what you all tell me. Even if it means being personal with you all in PM's

It just never ends I guess. You have all the past good advice from us a year back, I don't understand why you need people to keep telling you what to do. It's all still here:
08/02/17 10:17PM
RedCollarBlackCollar said
It just never ends I guess. You have all the past good advice from us a year back, I don't understand why you need people to keep telling you what to do. It's all still here:

I've read all of these.

This time I'm willing to listen to CURRENT advice, since I'm no longer focusing on hand-drawing.

Rather, I'm focusing on digital drawing.

These might still help though, I'm not sure.

Question though. And I don't mean to be rude. Why are you always on my tail when it comes to the meaningful things I try to do?

I'm being serious, honest, and willing to actually take current advice to heart, and yet here you are, doing what I can only think of as bashing on me. Apologies if it's not.
08/02/17 10:22PM
Unless you know the basics of drawing traditionally, the digital work you attempt is still going to be shit. A computer can't compensate for skills you haven't developed. It's not a short cut or a cheat. The previous advice you were given is still good advice and you ought to start with that, first.
08/02/17 10:25PM
Pastel-Daemon said:
Unless you know the basics of drawing traditionally, the digital work you attempt is still going to be shit. A computer can't compensate for skills you haven't developed. It's not a short cut or a cheat. The previous advice you were given is still good advice and you ought to start with that, first.

Well I know that. And I've gotten better at it. The current problem that I face now though is my hand movements, and the sensitivity of the tablet.
08/02/17 10:33PM
waverun said:
I've read all of these.

This time I'm willing to listen to CURRENT advice, since I'm no longer focusing on hand-drawing.

Rather, I'm focusing on digital drawing.

These might still help though, I'm not sure.

Question though. And I don't mean to be rude. Why are you always on my tail when it comes to the meaningful things I try to do?

I'm being serious, honest, and willing to actually take current advice to heart, and yet here you are, doing what I can only think of as bashing on me. Apologies if it's not.

Because I (and many others) really tried to help you out. That ended up going nowhere though, as you eventually gave up. Nearly discouraged another user from pursuing art, which would've really sucked had he not gotten some good encouragement. And now, you're asking for help, again, as you once again disregard all the past stuff we said. This repeated behavior that will never change, it's a bit frustrating to say the least.
08/02/17 10:55PM
waverun said:
Well I know that. And I've gotten better at it. The current problem that I face now though is my hand movements, and the sensitivity of the tablet.

How sensitively the tablet tracks might be adjustable through it's settings, though that's probably something you're better off asking in a more tablet-centric environment? Unless you strike particularly lucky and someone else on here has the same sort as you.

...I sort of doubt anyone can give you any meaningful advice on how to move your hands, though.
08/03/17 12:22AM
waverun said:
But I have so many problems with my hand movements, and with the sensitivity of the tablet, that I just can't draw with it as of this moment.
So, I'm requesting some advice or assistance to be given to me so that I can get better at drawing digitally.

It takes time to get used to it, especially if you're not that experienced at drawing to begin with. Without knowing what tablet/program you're using I can't really help much, but try tweaking the settings until you get something that feels comfortable.

waverun said:
The reason why I'm requesting it is because I give up on so many things, especially drawing,
This being because I know that most people will either hate it and/or flag it for moderation the second they look at it.

And that same reason is why I have developed the mindset that I MUST become as good as someone like WalkingMelonsAAA, Dimwitdog, or even Sleepymaid within 1 attempt.

And this here's a piece of advice that I'd imagine you've already received, but I'll say it anyway:
Just because you've made something doesn't automatically mean it's worth showing or keeping around. For an artist, being able to remain dispassionate about your work is a useful skill. Hell, by this point I must have burned at least three sketchbooks and deleted hundreds of digital sketches, even some that didn't turn out all that bad, and I'm still a bottom of the barrel amateur!
Trust me when I say you're not the only one with complexes about needing to be damn good from the get go, I always despair when I've no choice but to admit I fall decades short of my goals. I keep telling myself that they too are still looking to improve with each passing day, and keep going anyway, 'cause hey, greater heights for me to reach for!

And just to stress another thing that I imagine you've heard already: draw daily. It takes about three months to form a habit, but once you get there it'll be a lot easier to stick to it.
08/03/17 12:55AM
<<www.youtube.com/watch?v=dv13gl0a-FA|mfw this thread>>

anyway, here are very simple steps:

1) raise stabilisation in your drawing tool
2) adapt your arm for digital drawing by doing simple line/shape practices
3) learn to draw

you're probably thinking "the fuck? that step 3 is the most useless answer I've seen!" well yeah, because I dunno how to teach drawing and also you have 4 other threads that you can learn from but refuse to do so for some reason (spoilers, traditional and digital aren't as different as you think). Take it slow, adapt to the tool you're using, and start learning.

also if you're planning on becoming as good as the people you've mentioned "in one attempt" then just stop lmao. You have to trash failed drawings (after asking for feedback, or else they'll just be wasted) and keep improving. And by feedback I don't mean uploading, cause this place has quality control. I mean ask people in general.
08/03/17 02:58AM
> within 1 attempt
> no.
It takes years of constant and patient practice to get that good, either get ready to put actual time and effort into this for a long period of time, or stop deluding yourself.
08/03/17 03:13AM
Pastel-Daemon said:
How sensitively the tablet tracks might be adjustable through it's settings, though that's probably something you're better off asking in a more tablet-centric environment? Unless you strike particularly lucky and someone else on here has the same sort as you.

...I sort of doubt anyone can give you any meaningful advice on how to move your hands, though.

Pretty much this. Check your tablet settings, adjust them accordingly. I have mine set so that I have to press a little firmer, but fiddle around and see what works for you.

As for hand movements, it's going to take some time to get used to, so practice with it a lot. I started out going very slowly and over the years I've gotten more confident with my strokes. Just do what you feel is comfortable, there's really no "correct" way to do it.

Last thing: there are no shortcuts to getting good. It's the same whether it's digital or traditional. Be ready to put days, weeks, months, even years of work into learning and practicing. If you're not passionate about it, then it might not be for you.
08/03/17 07:21AM
Thanks for all the advice everyone. I really do appreciate it.

I'll start out by drawing for the next week or two before summer's over and see if I can get any better with my hand movements, erasing lines, smoothness, and curvature, by the time the week is over.

And while I understand that getting as good as Sleepymaid within one attempt is possible, the reason why I say 1 attempt is because her work looks SO EASY to draw!

But Dimwitdog, and even WalkingMelonsAAA?! Nah, that takes time.
08/03/17 07:48AM
waverun said:
And while I understand that getting as good as Sleepymaid within one attempt is possible, the reason why I say 1 attempt is because her work looks SO EASY to draw!

08/03/17 07:57AM
If I may say, you're being very insulting to Sleepymaid. And to the other artists you've mentioned as well. Those artists took a long time to develop and evolve their styles. Striving to be like the artists you admire is fine, but acting like you can do so with little effort belittles them.
08/03/17 08:44AM
Ok i think i'm gonna step in here Waverun i think you got the advice you wanted and i do wish you the best of luck in your endeavors and with that i will be locking this thread.

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