10/19/18 09:38PM
Why have a large number of my posts have been flagged/deleted?
Apparently a number of my glowing and empty eyes have been deleted? Why is that? There was no quality issue from I what checked. And there are a few more that have been flagged.

My god, the person seems to be trying to flag every single one of my manips. It has to be a troll. There's no good reason to flag them all for the same reason. Heck, some of them just have a link like post #70177 and post #70208
10/19/18 11:02PM
Either someone is abusing the automod (if there is one) or something screwy is going on.
10/19/18 11:14PM
Maybe he don't like your manips, maybe because you use the same thing in your manips? I guess?
10/19/18 11:23PM
NuRho said:
Either someone is abusing the automod (if there is one) or something screwy is going on.

I feel like this person is going after my manips since no other manips have been flagged for the same thing. The odd thing is that I had two manips flagged for 'low effort' before and they were removed. But now, they're flagged again and immediately deleted.

DouDile said:
Maybe he don't like your manips, maybe because you use the same thing in your manips? I guess?

But I always try to do a variety of manips like spiral, empty, or glowing eyes. I even use different spirals for the eyes. Plus, if he doesn't like my manips, then why can't he just blacklist me?
10/19/18 11:42PM
First, I'm not a troll, I'm a mod.
Me and other mods are flagging and deleting some "low efforts" manips.

And just adding something simple in the eyes (or worse, simply deleting pupils/iris) shouldn't be considered a good manip.
The lack of context doesn't help either. You can't just throw spiral eyes on a random image and say : "Here's a hypno themed pic !"
Speaking of which, you'll notice that I didn't delete your manips with text in it, there's a reason for that.

I'm part of a QUALITY control council. And to me (and other mods), this kind of thing isn't quality.

10/19/18 11:53PM
Roxa said:
First, I'm not a troll, I'm a mod.
Me and other mods are flagging and deleting some "low efforts" manips.

And just adding something simple in the eyes (or worse, simply deleting pupils/iris) shouldn't be considered a good manip.
The lack of context doesn't help either. You can't just throw spiral eyes on a random image and say : "Here's a hypno themed pic !"
Speaking of which, you'll notice that I didn't delete your manips with text in it, there's a reason for that.

I'm part of a QUALITY control council. And to me (and other mods), this kind of thing isn't quality.

All right. Sorry if I offended you. But there are at least three manips where I have a story, granted its small, in the comment section. Unless you want the context within the image itself. Then I suppose that's fair, I guess.

Also, shouldn't there be announcement about all this. If you don't let people know beforehand, then you'll have people wondering about this sudden purge. Otherwise, you'll have another case with the text manips again.
10/19/18 11:58PM
I'm feeling a deja vu right here... and not a good one.

They deleted my chun li version of your manip too:

I changed her mouth/expression and removed her sweat mentioning in the comments that it was an unaware version.

Well, I think I'll focus on text manips.
10/20/18 12:14AM
Manipping is thankless work.

At it's worst it's hated at it's best it's simply tolerated.

Take from me and just go straight to drawing.
10/20/18 12:18AM
Quick question, not related to iControl specificially, but related to the topic.

If I took a body manipulation pick (for instance, a puppeteer taking control of a body), tweaked the eyes, the expression, and added a bit of text on the manip (not in the comments. On the picture) : would it be considered a "low effort manip" ?

Or is a picture only considered a "low effort manip" if you add a few words, or just "blank" the eyes ?
10/20/18 01:52AM
AnnoyinGoblin said:
Quick question, not related to iControl specificially, but related to the topic.

If I took a body manipulation pick (for instance, a puppeteer taking control of a body), tweaked the eyes, the expression, and added a bit of text on the manip (not in the comments. On the picture) : would it be considered a "low effort manip" ?

Or is a picture only considered a "low effort manip" if you add a few words, or just "blank" the eyes ?

Tweaking expressions is generally a sign of a manip with more effort put into it. Simply blanking out eyes, meanwhile, is <<hypnohub.net/wiki/show?title=help%3Arules_and_policies|explicitly against the rules.>>

We're looking for manips that look at least plausibly original. If we can easily identify a simple process that went into making the manip like just selecting the eyes and using the fill tool, or just putting a large circular white brush over the eyes, it's probably not going to fly. More complex techniques like painting over and smudging out highlights in eyes to make them look smooth and empty can also be deemed low quality if done sloppily, but should generally be given more benefit of the doubt because they involve more effort.

10/20/18 02:22AM
Dreamshade said:
Tweaking expressions is generally a sign of a manip with more effort put into it. Simply blanking out eyes, meanwhile, is <<hypnohub.net/wiki/show?title=help%3Arules_and_policies|explicitly against the rules.>>

We're looking for manips that look at least plausibly original. If we can easily identify a simple process that went into making the manip like just selecting the eyes and using the fill tool, or just putting a large circular white brush over the eyes, it's probably not going to fly. More complex techniques like painting over and smudging out highlights in eyes to make them look smooth and empty can also be deemed low quality if done sloppily, but should generally be given more benefit of the doubt because they involve more effort.

But this manip was deleted:

IControl made the empty eyes, while I changed her expression and remove her sweat.

You can see the original drawing is different:
10/20/18 03:16AM
IDPet said:
But this manip was deleted:

IControl made the empty eyes, while I changed her expression and remove her sweat.

You can see the original drawing is different:

I've undeleted that one.
10/20/18 03:52AM
Thank you very much.

I think the rules are clear now, although the staff should make an official announcement anyway.
10/20/18 03:56AM
Oh, so we're back to this then
10/20/18 03:57AM
IDPet said:
Thank you very much.

I think the rules are clear now, although the staff should make an official announcement anyway.

With each new thing that comes up we have always said that we would look back through posts that we might have missed.
This is pretty much just us doing our jobs
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