04/04/14 04:55AM
Erotic Hypnosis/MC Fanfiction?
Though I rarely talk about it, I'm a big fan of well-written (and some pretty terribly-written :P) erotic MC stories. I frequent, visiting numerous times a month, and I love the <<|third-party taggable library>> for the site. However, one thing about that site and most like it that I've found makes me a sad panda: they don't allow (most) fanfiction due to copyright concerns.

So, I have a question: does anyone here know of any erotic story sites that have a fair amount of MC fanfiction? I love reading stories of original characters, but sometimes I just want to read something involving characters I already know. It would make my day if there's some source of them that I just don't know about.

Also, if you don't know of any such site but you randomly happened upon an erotic MC fanfiction somewhere, feel free to link to it in this thread.

If it's a story you wrote, though, you should probably post it over at the <<|Story Thread>>.
04/04/14 05:52AM
You're looking for El Dorado, man. The only website I know of that regularly crosses over MC erotica and fanfiction is dA, and I think we all know how that goes.

I dig MC fanfiction more than original stuff conceptually (kind of strange since I almost never read fanfics otherwise,) like how I generally prefer manips and art of established characters more than original stuff, but good MC fanfiction is incredibly rare.

If I've been missing out on something here I'd love to hear about it.

P.S. Yo Vanndril. Didn't you say you liked KLK at some point? If you read my erotic MC KLK fanfiction over here in the <<|story thread>> I'll have your children or something else if you don't want that (perfectly understandable).
04/04/14 07:11AM
petal said:
You're looking for El Dorado, man. The only website I know of that regularly crosses over MC erotica and fanfiction is dA, and I think we all know how that goes.

I dig MC fanfiction more than original stuff conceptually (kind of strange since I almost never read fanfics otherwise,) like how I generally prefer manips and art of established characters more than original stuff, but good MC fanfiction is incredibly rare.

If I've been missing out on something here I'd love to hear about it.

P.S. Yo Vanndril. Didn't you say you liked KLK at some point? If you read my erotic MC KLK fanfiction over here in the <<|story thread>> I'll have your children or something else if you don't want that (perfectly understandable).

The DA_Entranced Group on DeviantArt has a decent amount of lit. Used to regularly host competitions, but BluRider sort of fell off about it after the end of 2012 and the awesome "12 days of Hypnos" thing. I sort of wound down too as i found less and less passion for it (my supposedly "last story" has been in the works for months, and i haven't personally touched it since February. Part of that is Dark Hat Boy's fault, though :-P).

I could point you to my account (just search my name on DA), unless you've read my stuffs before. I've covered a hell of a lot of different anime, so something in there's bound to tickle your fancy.

I actually have one of those stories posted to MCStories, too. A story i originally made for the aborted "Cordial Knot" website (specifically for underage MC literotica). Since Cordial Knot got canned, the original version of the story (where the protagonist was 14 instead of 18) seems to no longer be extant anywhere. Possibly even my hard-drive, because editing it was a "find and replace" job for mentions of her age and her geographic location (moved it from a country where 14 is marriagable to a country where it's more realistic that she wouldn't be married by 18), though it's an original story and not a fic.

Someone should make a shell account on DA that exists solely to document the best hypno-fics from that site. There are a few authors i could point you to if you wanted to make such an account, and with a user's favorites being publically viewable, that account could then become a hub.

The issue with DA is that you need an account of your own to view mature content (why i joined in the first place in 2009. By the start of 2010 i was too driven by some images, had to start writing), but it could at least be a nice aggregator for the good stuff (or the stuff that might not be well-written, but is interesting enough to pass muster)
04/04/14 09:15AM
What Ogedi said. I can only remember reading MC fanfiction on DA. There were a few good ones (mostly BluRider's work) but a lot of it wasn't too great.

Somewhat related but I do remember a pretty good one (at least I found it good at the time) with Morrigan and Roll. Anyone remember what that one was called?
04/04/14 09:51AM

Someone should make a shell account on DA that exists solely to document the best hypno-fics from that site. There are a few authors i could point you to if you wanted to make such an account, and with a user's favorites being publically viewable, that account could then become a hub.

Why not a group? I've been thinking about the pros and cons of a DA hypnosis group with some more restrictive quality control. I'd be interested to see such a thing "field tested".
04/07/14 01:32AM

Awesome stories from Ricobanderas9. Femdom focus, with stories from Sailor moon and final fantasy among others.

He's also got a few more in the VIP section of the charmed.forumotion forum. (Femdom)

There's a bunch of content there.
(Including a couple of my own in the completed missions section. )
04/07/14 03:08AM
Rossi0711 said:

Awesome stories from Ricobanderas9. Femdom focus, with stories from Sailor moon and final fantasy among others.

He's also got a few more in the VIP section of the charmed.forumotion forum. (Femdom)

There's a bunch of content there.
(Including a couple of my own in the completed missions section. )

I read his Lulu one the other day. Pretty good stuff.
04/07/14 08:18AM

Oh, yeah! I had forgotten about AFF. I remember being annoyed that there was no way to search for MC, since it was only two characters long and the search feature requires at least four per search item. IS there a way to search for MC there?
04/07/14 09:48AM
Not that I know of.
I've just lucked across a couple or followed links from other MC sites.
Another author who deals in femdom

I'll see if I can find links to others.
04/07/14 11:47AM
Vanndril said:
Oh, yeah! I had forgotten about AFF. I remember being annoyed that there was no way to search for MC, since it was only two characters long and the search feature requires at least four per search item. IS there a way to search for MC there?

Search by hypnosis or mind control?
04/07/14 12:19PM
Here's a K-On! hypnosis story I've linked to before, Ritsu hypnotizes Mio and most of the other girls.

Non-erotic, but precisely the sort of hypno-mischief that rings my bell.
04/08/14 12:32AM
daltar said:
Search by hypnosis or mind control?

Tried that. You get next to no results.

From what I see, the only hint toward their being mind control in stories on this site that most authors put on their descriptions is MC. Nothing more, nothing less. Which, again, is stupid because you can't search for tags smaller than 4 characters.

I get no results for hypnosis (or +"mind control" or +"Mind Control" w/ boolean search enabled) and mind control returns everything with the word mind or the word control in the description, but it turns out to never be mind control.

So, unless I'm missing something...
04/08/14 05:21AM
Hmm, adult fanfiction. That'd be a good avenue to dump some of my better stuffs as i migrate away from DeviantArt.

Plus a few of my racier stories could do well there as well.

Thanks for the link.
04/09/14 07:47AM
"Hmm, adult fanfiction", indeed.

I wonder if it would be worth it to make a thread for listing and linking to MC stories on AFF.
04/10/14 02:09PM
As mentioned above, VG-MC ( ) has some interesting stories, amongst other things. Unfortunately it seems like he doesn't like this site very much.

Most of the stories there are pretty light as far as the erotic aspect is concerned, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

I've browsed through some of the stories, and found this one most memorable:

The whole past affecting future idea is really fascinating when used in this context. Too bad the story is quite short.
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