01/04/24 02:50AM
Hypnorgasm said:
Have we considered a unified roleplaying thread? I feel like there are new threads created frequently for roleplaying, and I'm not sure they all need to have their own individual threads.

Been wanting to do something like that for a while now, so here you go: forum #106464
01/05/24 06:29AM
Detour said:
Hypnorgasm said:
Have we considered a unified roleplaying thread? I feel like there are new threads created frequently for roleplaying, and I'm not sure they all need to have their own individual threads.

Been wanting to do something like that for a while now, so here you go: forum #106464

Much appreciated!
01/13/24 09:12AM
So I'm unsure if this is the right place to ask, but I recently started using Google image translate and discovered it's remarkably accurate, or at the very least offers relatively thorough and understandable translations. Would it be okay to go through some old posts with the translation request tag and add notes with the Google translation?

To be clear, I would only add the tag "partially translated" and leave most posts tagged with "translation request" so someone who actually knows Japanese could come by later if a better translation is needed. But just as a casual user of the site having more posts tagged with solid translations would be helpful.

For an example, posts such as post #165113 and post #148565 are still untranslated but seem to be easily translateable just using Google image translate, without doing anything fancy.
01/13/24 02:19PM
Should there be an "after_kiss" tag?
01/13/24 03:19PM
<Removing question about event that may have fixed itself>
01/17/24 05:56PM
When a comment is reported, does the "Already Reported"/"(Reported)" message appear to everyone, or just to the person who reported the comment?

Because a comment by another user is showing that message to me and I didn't report anything. Ever.
... Unless I clicked on it by mistake, but that's precisely why I'm asking, need to know if I f-ed up or if it's just a standard message.
01/17/24 08:46PM
It appears if anybody has reported that comment, doesn't have to be you specifically.
01/17/24 09:13PM
Detour said:
It appears if anybody has reported that comment, doesn't have to be you specifically.

Well that's good to know. I'm pretty sure I did not misclick on a report button, but I was worried nonetheless.
Thanks for the fast answer.
01/18/24 07:14PM
I have a problem, this animated gift I uploaded it, but it doesn't appears on my profile and not even on the main page, not even the comment related to it.

edit: it appeared now, i don't know what happened.
01/19/24 07:06AM
IDPet said:
I have a problem, this animated gift I uploaded it, but it doesn't appears on my profile and not even on the main page, not even the comment related to it.

edit: it appeared now, i don't know what happened.

I've noticed that pictures I just uploaded can take varying lengths of time to show up in the index and tag searches. The time for me has been from under a minute up to 10 minutes. I'm not sure why they seem to take different amounts of time; it doesn't seem to be related to file size, at least for me.
01/19/24 11:17PM
It's weird,
the videos appeared in some seconds, while the animated gif was like 5 minutes or 10.
01/22/24 04:46AM
I think this is the right place since it's about site functionality. Sorry if I'm wrong.

I noticed the box to hide post mentioned in the howtos doesn't exist anymore. So I have to ask, do hide and show tags still work as intended, or are child posts the only way of hiding from index now?

On a related note, is the old recommendation about only using child posts for 2 images still in place? I used it for larger sets before I saw that orientation and I see it used for similarly larger sets frequently.
01/22/24 05:00AM
Hattori said:
I think this is the right place since it's about site functionality. Sorry if I'm wrong.

I noticed the box to hide post mentioned in the howtos doesn't exist anymore. So I have to ask, do hide and show tags still work as intended, or are child posts the only way of hiding from index now?

On a related note, is the old recommendation about only using child posts for 2 images still in place? I used it for larger sets before I saw that orientation and I see it used for similarly larger sets frequently.

Hiding posts doesn't work anymore. Only parenting hides posts now. Not sure what you mean about only using child posts for 2 images. That was never a rule. You should always parent image sets to the first image of the set to keep from flooding the front page.
01/22/24 10:30AM
Mindwipe said:
Hattori said:
I think this is the right place since it's about site functionality. Sorry if I'm wrong.

I noticed the box to hide post mentioned in the howtos doesn't exist anymore. So I have to ask, do hide and show tags still work as intended, or are child posts the only way of hiding from index now?

On a related note, is the old recommendation about only using child posts for 2 images still in place? I used it for larger sets before I saw that orientation and I see it used for similarly larger sets frequently.

Hiding posts doesn't work anymore. Only parenting hides posts now. Not sure what you mean about only using child posts for 2 images. That was never a rule. You should always parent image sets to the first image of the set to keep from flooding the front page.

I think they meant that on the prior version of the site, it was advised to make a pool for sets with more than 3 images, instead of a chain of many parent/child posts.
01/22/24 01:39PM
Hypnorgasm said:
Mindwipe said:
Hattori said:
I think this is the right place since it's about site functionality. Sorry if I'm wrong.

I noticed the box to hide post mentioned in the howtos doesn't exist anymore. So I have to ask, do hide and show tags still work as intended, or are child posts the only way of hiding from index now?

On a related note, is the old recommendation about only using child posts for 2 images still in place? I used it for larger sets before I saw that orientation and I see it used for similarly larger sets frequently.

Hiding posts doesn't work anymore. Only parenting hides posts now. Not sure what you mean about only using child posts for 2 images. That was never a rule. You should always parent image sets to the first image of the set to keep from flooding the front page.

I think they meant that on the prior version of the site, it was advised to make a pool for sets with more than 3 images, instead of a chain of many parent/child posts.

Yes I meant that. That orientation is still in a lot of help and howto articles. I'm aware those are old and many don't apply, but since I was asking a related question anyway thought might as well.

Thank you both for the assistance.
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