05/06/24 01:32PM
What gave you your hypnosis fetish?
Did you watch a cartoon with hypnosis scene in it? Maybe you read a book with a very descriptive hypnosis scene in it? Or maybe you played a game with hypnosis elements in it?
05/07/24 10:21AM
It manifested in me as a very young child so really I see it as already there rather than "given" to me. I don't remember one specific thing but there was some MC plots in a Mario cartoon and various others I remember.
05/07/24 09:02PM
I want to say it was a mix of The Jungle Book 2, that one episode of Pokémon and seeing a friend I had a crush on get hypnotized by a stage hypnotist.
05/16/24 03:15PM
StripeShima said:
I want to say it was a mix of The Jungle Book 2, that one episode of Pokémon and seeing a friend I had a crush on get hypnotized by a stage hypnotist.
Yes! The shanti scene. Same.

Also could you tell me more about this stage magician hypnosis scene? I’d like to see it.
05/16/24 04:41PM
lickitup said:
Also could you tell me more about this stage magician hypnosis scene? I’d like to see it.

I think they were talking about their actual IRL crush getting hypnotized by a stage hypnotist at an actual show, rather than some kind of scene.
05/16/24 05:59PM
It wasn't any one thing, for me.

Nineties cartoons put a casual interest in my head. Then puberty hit, and the two combined.
05/16/24 09:21PM
Detour said:
lickitup said:
Also could you tell me more about this stage magician hypnosis scene? I’d like to see it.

I think they were talking about their actual IRL crush getting hypnotized by a stage hypnotist at an actual show, rather than some kind of scene.

This. In our junior or sophmore year at high school, the one after freshman, our school had a raffle at the afterprom party with the grand prize being a TV. She didn't go to the prom itself but we (me and her other friends) convinced her to go to increase our chances of winning the TV. We didn't, but there was also a stage hypnotist that year and she got picked to be a volunteer. The hypnotist had her act like a dog. She crawled around on all fours and it was kinda cute how she shook her butt like she was wagging her tail. Sadly the hypnotist had her stop when her dress started to ride up before we got more than a brief glimpse at what she had on underneath.
And unfortunately, while she has said on more than one occasion that she enjoyed the way being hypnotized felt and she has liked the more tame images of her favorite character that I've sent her from this site, she is asexual aromantic.
05/16/24 11:05PM
Yeah it was Totally Spies that sent me down this particular rabbit hole
05/17/24 08:50AM
StripeShima said:
Detour said:
lickitup said:
Also could you tell me more about this stage magician hypnosis scene? I’d like to see it.

I think they were talking about their actual IRL crush getting hypnotized by a stage hypnotist at an actual show, rather than some kind of scene.

This. In our junior or sophmore year at high school, the one after freshman, our school had a raffle at the afterprom party with the grand prize being a TV. She didn't go to the prom itself but we (me and her other friends) convinced her to go to increase our chances of winning the TV. We didn't, but there was also a stage hypnotist that year and she got picked to be a volunteer. The hypnotist had her act like a dog. She crawled around on all fours and it was kinda cute how she shook her butt like she was wagging her tail. Sadly the hypnotist had her stop when her dress started to ride up before we got more than a brief glimpse at what she had on underneath.
And unfortunately, while she has said on more than one occasion that she enjoyed the way being hypnotized felt and she has liked the more tame images of her favorite character that I've sent her from this site, she is asexual aromantic.
Wow, that is sexy. Too bad she was an aroace.
05/17/24 04:22PM
1967 Jungle Book. I was born in the late 80s, so the cartoons after that usually had some hypnosis episode or something with tentacles, so it kind of just built up from there.
05/17/24 06:32PM
I mean yeah Jungle Book and that Pokemon episode everyone mentions but does anyone else know The Demon Headmaster? Dunno if that made it out of the UK but it's probably my first hypno in media memory. CBBC show but I also tracked down all the books. Even found one when cleaning out my old room the other day
05/17/24 10:19PM
When I accidentaly kinda did my first masturbation, there happen to be a cartoon on TV where a superhero monkey was hypnotized by some music box to comit crime, an asociation was made and here I am now
05/18/24 07:18AM
Daphne Blake. Enough said.
05/18/24 09:37AM
There wasn't a specific "thing" that gave me this fetish, it was with me since I was very young. It honestly wasn't until I caught part of Big Trouble in Little China that I knew exactly what it was I liked tho and that it existed out "in the wild" so to speak instead of just in my imagination lmao.
05/18/24 11:32AM
There was a book I read as a kid called "Molly Moon's Incredible Book of Hypnotism" which had, unsurprisingly, a lot of hypnosis in it. This is the earliest thing I can think back to that had hypnosis in it, though I don't really think that book had much to do with how I ended up. Nobody really knows how fetishes form; we don't know nearly enough about the brain to determine that. It feels more to me like I always had this something and eventually it was triggered, allowing me to discover it. It is interesting to think about, though.
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