05/08/24 06:11PM
'slow burn'/in-depth hypno stuff?
anyone know any tags/posts which get into the nitty gritty about the process/feeling of going under? that stuff really gets me going, and it's kinda tricky to find. a lot of stuff feels too instantaneous, or doesn't go into enough detail.
05/08/24 09:30PM
05/28/24 09:37AM
You might enjoy my comic Honey:

06/02/24 09:32AM
JustSketchingViolets said:
You might enjoy my comic Honey:

holy SHIT this is good. it's so sweet and tender but sooo fuckin intense, you get what i mean? adore the bug themeing - i'm a sucker for insects and literal *hive*minds and the focus on hypnotic food is really fun. hats off dude.
06/04/24 05:05PM

holy SHIT this is good. it's so sweet and tender but sooo fuckin intense, you get what i mean? adore the bug themeing - i'm a sucker for insects and literal *hive*minds and the focus on hypnotic food is really fun. hats off dude.[/quote]

Glad you like it! uwu
I will be getting into the hive mind soon.

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