07/17/16 02:10AM
Drawing human anatomy tips.
Alright, guys, waverun here. I decided that I would try to listen to the community of hypnohub if I'm to become a better drawer.

I always post my important drawings because I don't want to always keep them to myself if I feel they need to be shared to show that I'm getting better (if at all) .

But lately all of my hand drawings have gotten deleted by QCC for who knows what reason. I don't want my early hand drawings to get deleted if they're complete drawings. Look at Sleepymaids really early drawings; they never got deleted.

I want to show that I can get better just like the rest of you have. I try to post for myself yet in the end I always come to expect, anticipate, or fear what you guys will think because I want to do so much for you due to how accepting of a community most of you are. Vandrill, Mindwipe, Penken, Reversed1, even Pinkanator; no matter how high or how low you people are, you're willing to accept others from the very start. Even people as brutal as plsIgnore have accepted such others (I'm looking at you plsIgnore). And thus I always think that it will get better. That my manips will get better. That appreciation towards me from any of you (if at all) will get better, and that ultimately I'll come to be accepted as part of a family that I never knew I wanted.

So today on the 16'th of July in 2016 I'm going to ask of you to really help me out. I'll accept what you give me and try to look on the positive of it. I'll try not to focus on the negative but I can't promise that I'll succeed. I need you're help because you've done so much to accept a person who was once a mere lurker on the site.
Anything at all. Typing things to me, helpful website links, tips from yourselves, and don't try to bring me down by telling me how long it will take for me to get better, that will only make it more demotivating for me. If you're willing to accept what I can give you then I'm willing to accept what you can give me.
07/17/16 02:17AM
I can offer you absolutely no real help, but good luck anyway. As with everything, improvement will always come from practise and constructive criticism, so stick with it and listen to advice, and I'm sure you'll do fine.
07/17/16 02:21AM
Well, I still can't offer much, but as I always say, I have your back, and I'm always eager for more of you work. Just do your best, then do better. Try to improve on your last image, even if it's the smallest thing. Keep drawing when you want, but with each image, look at the last, and find something to improve. If you focus on small improvements over time, you'll get better overall.

I'd recommended whatever the guys say first, but I've found it highly useful in my own self-improvement. Look, no matter what, I'll always be here for you, and if you want to show me anything, ask me anything, or need anything? You know where to find me.
07/17/16 02:25AM
Well I can't draw for shit but I have learned a lot about writing over the years and I think a few tips can carry over. Find someone you like and try and copy their style a little until you get better and develop your own way of doing things.

I got started trying to write like people who I thought were good and after a while I went of into my own way of doing things.
07/17/16 02:48AM
waverun said:

But lately all of my hand drawings have gotten deleted by QCC for who knows what reason. I don't want my early hand drawings to get deleted if they're complete drawings. Look at Sleepymaids really early drawings; they never got deleted.

................ excuse me but you can't say Sleepymaid's early drawings should be deleted XDXDXD Even if the style in the 2007 pics looks really simpler from her current one, the anatomy is correct, the quality is good, the content is hot, the perspective is right! Those aren't the first picture she drew EVER.
Your pictures got deleted because they were not up to the site's standards and had incorrect anatomy. It's good that you ask for advice, but it's not like the QCC was mean to you for no reason.

That said. First thing you should do for anatomy, is looking at actual anatomy manuals. Pictures of men and women with clear musculature in several poses, drawings of such things, even tutorials from art sites. Before drawing, look at those, memorize the details, notice where muscles start, where they end, what range of motion do joints have. How far does an arm reach compared to the body, how thick a finger is compared to the wrist, where exactly is an ear on the head. Just look at lots of stuff like that, and try to sketch something imitating those pictures.
I'm not talking about sketching 2 pics and posting them. I'm saying, sketch dozens and dozens of those. Don't use anime or cartoons, to start with. If you're interested in anatomy, you should start with realistic anatomic poses.
Of course this is not the only way, but as I suggested you several times, you should practice a loooooooooooot before thinking about drawing actual porn. A LOT. Everyone here probably drew for years before starting porn. After you have the anatomy and the proportions right, you can start developing your own style.
07/17/16 02:58AM
just make him look like an actual human. This includes drawing a penis BUT ALSO a dicke in balls.
07/17/16 03:11AM
waverun said:
But lately all of my hand drawings have gotten deleted by QCC for who knows what reason. I don't want my early hand drawings to get deleted if they're complete drawings. Look at Sleepymaids really early drawings; they never got deleted.

"But lately all of my hand drawings have gotten deleted by QCC for who knows what reason," are you serious?!
Honestly, I can't understand why the fuck you're so goddamn ignorant, and you have kinda pissed me off a bit. We've given you PLENTY of feedback about what exactly you're getting wrong with your anatomy, and so apparently all that LEGITIMATE CRITICISM we've pointed out thus far was all for nothing. I just don't understand how you still have no goddamn clue why your stuff's getting deleted.

And you're even going so far as to bring up one of the Hub's favorite artists like their early work somehow has the same issues as your shit did. If that somehow is the case, point to me ANY PIECES FROM SLEEPYMAID THAT YOU THINK SHOULD BE FLAGGED, as it seems we're apparently giving that artist a pass unlike we've done with you.

waverun said:
So today on the 16'th of July in 2016 I'm going to ask of you to really help me out. I'll accept what you give me and try to look on the positive of it...

Nope, I for one am fucking done.
A lot of the users here, especially a number of artists, are far nicer + more reasonable than I am when it comes to giving such feedback, so of course I absolutely love and appreciate them for having such a positive mindset here. In my case right now though, I feel like you've only given us a prominent slap to the face, as to make this forum about how you didn't listen to a single fucking thing we said. I've told you to work on sketching, NOT EVEN SKETCHING EVERYDAY, just sketching outdoors whenever you get the chance. But of course, there's always some excuse for why you couldn't manage to pull it off at least once.

Here are a couple of the deleted posts you featured below where we offered feedback. I don't understand why you couldn't follow any of it when we gave it to you at the time, so idk what else to say, other than you got one less person willing to help out. And for those of you from the very start that are still willing to help him, I really do wish you guys the best, cause I unfortunately have run outta patience and respect.

Only thing I ask of from the mods is that if my comment is too aggressive, please don't delete it. I'll "fix it" myself if I have to, but seriously, I need to leave my feelings here cause I legitimately am disappointed...
07/17/16 03:27AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
"But lately all of my hand drawings have gotten deleted by QCC for who knows what reason," are you serious?!
Honestly, I can't understand why the fuck you're so goddamn ignorant, and you have kinda pissed me off a bit. We've given you PLENTY of feedback about what exactly you're getting wrong with your anatomy, and so apparently all that LEGITIMATE CRITICISM we've pointed out thus far was all for nothing. I just don't understand how you still have no goddamn clue why your stuff's getting deleted.

And you're even going so far as to bring up one of the Hub's favorite artists like their early work somehow has the same issues as your shit did. If that somehow is the case, point to me ANY PIECES FROM SLEEPYMAID THAT YOU THINK SHOULD BE FLAGGED, as it seems we're apparently giving that artist a pass unlike we've done with you.

I took their past criticisms too negatively and thought of it as not very helpful.
If they want to criticize my art, let them do so, just as long as they give advice regarding what is wrong, after stating their criticisms.

As for SleepyMaid, she's just an example. None of my intentions were to say or make it seem like her early art isn't good, in fact it is good. She was just the only one besides PenKen I believe that I've went back to see early art of.
07/17/16 03:37AM
waverun said:
I took their past criticisms too negatively and thought of it as not very helpful.
If they want to criticize my art, let them do so, just as long as they give advice regarding what is wrong, after stating their criticisms.

As for SleepyMaid, she's just an example. None of my intentions were to say or make it seem like her early art isn't good, in fact it is good. She was just the only one besides PenKen I believe that I've went back to see early art of.

Doesn't matter if you took it negatively; what was said still holds true to what you needed to improve upon, and what was said very much did point out the flaws in your work along with how to improve. But once again, you chose not to follow anything that was brought up, so I don't understand how you have the gall to act like we didn't do enough for you.

Then it's a shit example. "I don't understand why people don't find my early work acceptable! Like cmon, just look at DaVinci's early stuff!" Like what kind of point are you making when you point out an artist's early work as getting a pass for quality in comparison to your stuff not getting a pass?!

Seriously though, I've offered advice, you still hadn't done anything about it despite it being so damn simple, so I'm done trying to help you. And for the sake of other people here, stop asking for help if you're not going to follow through with it.
07/17/16 03:50AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
stop asking for help if you're not going to follow through with it.

I will follow through with it this time.

As for my behavior and choices, I apologize, but that's how a mentally disabled person like me acts.
If you were in my shoes, my body, and my mind, having gone through what I have, you'd be the same way knowing what I know.

The world is a harsh place where if you're not up to par, no one's going to pick you up when you're down and I think you and me BOTH know that. And not everybody is willing to stick their neck out just to get somewhere or to help someone.

I will not argue with someone who is fed up with me anymore. You've already had enough of me and I can tell.

Behind the screens we're all different people who have gone through different things, but if we work together as one then it doesn't matter who we are. What matters is what we do.
07/17/16 05:51AM
Okay listen, Waverun. Listen reeaaaaal good. Art is hard. Art is really hard. I should know, I'm trying to get better at it too, and I suck at it right now. But y'wanna know something? I'm aware of the flaws in my artwork. You? Yeah, no. You've received COUNTLESS comments voicing their criticisms of your work from artists and non-artists alike, and you've ignored EVERY SINGLE ONE. You continued to post your art with the same flaws over and over, and acting as if everyone in the comments was trying to bring you down and stop you from drawing art, when in reality they were trying to help you. I'm not going to give you any tips, Wave. Because if I do, you won't listen to them. As for your "woe-is-me the world is harsh" attitude, suck it up and stop whining. You are wrong. If you aren't up to par, take classes, ask for help and listen to it, and stop ignoring the help you're given. It's actually an INSULT if anything that you think no one will help you if you're down, because a ton of people have tried to do exactly that and you've cast their advice aside. We're fed up with you because you refuse to accept that you can't get better immediately, and instead think that you're going to be able to improve just by hearing some magical words of advice and suddenly you'll be an expert. People go through classes lasting MONTHS to get better at art. Hell, some people have gotten COLLEGE DEGREES just to improve at drawing things. Art is a slow and tedious process, and you need to learn that before you start asking for help over and over again and tossing anything that won't immediately help you aside. And as for insulting the artwork of another artist just to make it seem like we're targeting you? That's just hurtful.
07/17/16 06:22AM
SomeCallMeSalty said:
as for insulting the artwork of another artist just to make it seem like we're targeting you? That's just hurtful.

It wasn't intended to insult their artwork, they were just one of the only two people who's early artwork I've seen, and it's not bad. I've seen way worse, believe me.
07/17/16 06:40AM
Draw every day. Draw eggs, boxes, balls, cans, bottles. Draw your furniture, draw your house. Once you've gotten comfortable with that stuff, THEN try drawing people. Cuz if you can't draw something as simple as an egg properly, you sure as hell aren't gonna be able to draw a human being.
07/17/16 06:46AM
This thread is full of tl;dr, so I'm not gonna read through it. Again, here's two mega-resources you should give another look through:


There's multiple things you're doing wrong. First, you're symbol drawing. The brain sees objects in terms of symbols, and it wants you to draw those symbols instead of what you're actually seeing. The cure for that is by practicing drawing exactly what you see. Again, the links I provided have plenty of resources which can help you to do that. It's important to be able to draw reality before you worry about drawing from imagination.

After that comes construction. You need to learn to take what you see and break it down into its constituent shapes: spheres, cubes, cones and cylinders (sidenote: practice drawing all of those from various angles). Then you can do the reverse: use those shapes to construct whatever you want, forming a base to add more details later. Again, resources are in the links.

Don't worry about style. Do NOT try and do "anime" anything.

And because I still don't think you quite understand the timeframe you're working on: art takes a long time. It takes months to years of drawing every day to git gud. You will not magically become an expert overnight. This isn't to discourage you, but rather to make you take things more realistically.
07/17/16 09:46AM
You've received a hell of a lot more art advice than most hub artists have been fortunate enough to, already. There's not anything more that anyone can tell you at this point, it's down to actually putting into practice the advice you've already been given. Asking for more is just like...kind of offensive?

And yeah, maybe some of the advice you got was less than kind in it's wording. That'd be because it very much feels like you're not actually listening to anything you've been told, when people are trying to help you. That tends to frustrate people.

People aren't trying to discourage you by telling you getting better takes a long time, they're just trying to prepare you and make you actually understand, so that you don't get frustrated when progress doesn't happen overnight, y'know?

Though, really, you've been directly told at this point to post anything else you draw to the forum instead of the actual hub itself, at least for the time being, so please actually abide by that. People are only going to become increasingly hostile if you ignore or make excuses.
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