04/06/22 07:32AM
ghost13 said:

Indeed, I too have noticed it. Makes commenting less fun.

Yeah, especially if you write a story in the comment section, but now it's a wall of text.
04/06/22 07:37AM
Also, while the old comments have kept their formatting, all the hyperlinks are busted. And you can't edit comments anymore, either.

To say this breaks things is an understatement.
04/06/22 10:19AM
tyjo said:
I can’t find if it was answered here but how do you navigate pools?

Normally a post that's part of "one or more pools" will have a banner with a text saying it at the top, which'll take you to an index page featuring said pool.
04/07/22 01:33AM
I suspect this is a design choice so I have no expectations other than the catharsis from posting this, but the Comments page seems to be the only place where comments are put in reverse chronological order and that seems like a really weird thing to do vis-a-vis the rest of the site.
04/08/22 11:23AM
How Tagging Has Been Crippled
mystrymyn said:
As someone that heavily relied on the ability to see how many pictures of what tag have the most of a certain tag and who used this to bulld intricate tag webs that allowed an incredible amount of tags and system that allowed the most posts possible to be tagged by a certain one, this change has completely decimated my system irreperably to the point where it is simply untaggable. Horrible mistake of a format change that I simply will not tolerate. Furthermore, until this is fixed in some reasonable capacity, the mystrymyn tagging sprees are at an end. I will not have my role in the website be completely ruined by this insult of a format.

Mindwipe said:
I'm a little confused by what you mean. Can you explain exactly what it was you did on the old site that you can't do here?

Hi! I apologize for the late response but the whole tagging thing made me really lethargic for the site as a whole and take a massive break. To put it simply, when I go to a tag on the old site, I can figure out the composition and amount of the top subtags within a tag. Such as finding how many spiral_eyes posts are in the symbol_in_eyes tag, and the extrapolation of this into deducing the majority of the majority until I have a precise frame of reference to both find new ones of an underpopulated tag, and tag many similar posts with a vast variety of tags to narrow down and key in on the most prospective candidates to receive the tag. Now, like all the other sites, it only shows the tags of the first posts on the list AND doesn't tell me how many of a tag are within the tag set I've searched for. Meaning, no tag chaining, and the complete inability to even find what tags are the majority to work around it. I used this for everything from expanding the records for posts with the most tags starting with a letter, most of the highest post count tags, tail_holding, gladiator_sandals and dozens more. Now my wondrous and effective method of broad and mass accurate tagging has been made moot. Again, apologies for the delay, but the problem just bothered me so much I couldn't even stand looking at the site now that my favorite pastime on it has been gutted in such a manner.
04/10/22 09:25PM
Has anybody figured out how to download pools?
04/12/22 05:41AM
Does anyone know how to add images to pools? I feel kind of stupid, I know it can be done, but I can't seem to find the button that lets you do so.

EDIT: you can still add to pool via the old method i.e. using "pool:4997" as a tag.
04/12/22 11:05AM
anonlv000 said:
Does anyone know how to add images to pools? I feel kind of stupid, I know it can be done, but I can't seem to find the button that lets you do so.

EDIT: you can still add to pool via the old method i.e. using "pool:4997" as a tag.

hypnohub.net/index.php?page=forum&s=view&id=105975 This forum has a bit more information.
04/12/22 11:04PM
Where's the DNP list now?
04/13/22 08:47AM
I don't think it's on this site anywhere yet. On the old Hub, it was in the wiki, at this page: old.hypnohub.net/wiki/show?title=help%3Arules_and_policies

Since I'm not sure how long the old Hub will be up, I'm going to create a new forum thread and copy the DNP there. That can be our temporary home for it. EDIT: It's titled "Do Not Post" Artists List.
04/13/22 05:01PM
Can we get an update from mods on updating the stickies? Without the wiki those are the closest to an official source of info we can have, but many of them are out of date:

* forum #105955 - The terms of service thread by Mr K seems to have been copied wholesale from r34, without regard for the Hub's unique considerations. For instance, the Hub does allow real life content in very particular circumstances. I think this one in particular has to be addressed by K or Slayerduck, as they're the ones who have control over the ultimate TOS.

* forum #25980 - The important links thread has all of its links broken. These are all forum threads, so the links should still exist, but the URLs need to be adjusted to the new format.

* forum #10358 - The New To Hypnohub thread is full of broken links, many of which were wiki links and no longer exist. This one especially will need a complete overhaul.

* forum #40706 - Rules of Conduct thread has broken links, but the text is likely still relevant.

* forum #62583 - Contributor thread is full of broken links, but assuming the info is still relevant this can be updated.

* The old rules and policies Hypnorgasm linked above needs to be documented somewhere on the new site, and a sticky thread would likely be the best option at the moment. Besides the DNP list, Hub-specific rules such as empty-eye manips and minimum quality standards currently aren't listed anywhere.
04/13/22 10:39PM
I've taken the movie versions available from the source of the animated gif to make post #142246 and post #142247.
I was a bit surprised to not see them listed among the other posts, but I saw they did appear if I explicitly selected "Video" (the option on the left on the "upload" options).

I guess it's because I made the animated gif posts parents of those.
But now, while I understand hiding images past the first or a few first of a "pool", if parents/children images can be so easily hidden, I'm not sure things are working as they should.
04/14/22 01:24AM
anonlv000 said:
Does anyone know how to add images to pools?

With the new site there is an import tab at the top of the screen when you're in the pool.
04/14/22 11:06AM
@Plsignore: Just a note: your links are automatically going to a post, not a forum. Unfortunately, writing Forum #105955 doesn't automatically make a link.
04/14/22 04:31PM
I have a question: how do spoilers work now? Two of my threads became unpleasant to read since spoilers stopped to work the way they used to.


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